If there is one thing you should know about Lindy, it’s that mosquitoes tear her up. Wait…that’s not true…if there’s one thing you should know about Lindy, it’s that she’s awesome. In fact, mosquitoes tearing her up is about 3084 on the list of things you should know about her. But, the fact that Lindy is to mosquitoes as white is to rice and every bite swells up like an allergy test at the doctor is important to this post…so that’s one thing you should know (or two)… Anyways, in order to do cool stuff like hang out in the Everglades for extended periods of time, we need some protection. So, we did some research and came across this company, Mosquito Curtains, in Atlanta. I liked what I read, so I gave them a call. These guys were great and even set up a “Go To Meeting” like call where they drew on pictures in real time over the interwebs that I sent them, and we came up with a plan for our netting. The pieces we ordered came in the mail, and we went to work first laying all the netting in place and marking places for our cuts. We removed the net and hoofed it up stairs to make some cuts.
After getting the first cuts finished, we set the net back up to get the next cuts. Then, back up stairs we went for more cutting.
After we got all the cuts set, we used Gorilla tape to line the edges. On the tape, we put adhesive velcro, then used stainless steel staples through the velcro and tape to hold it all together. If you’re reading this post to do something similar on your own boat, the Gorilla tape doesn’t really stick to the net well, but the staples through it all is what really holds it together. Also, we only found heavy duty staple guns to apply stainless staples. So, we backed the staples with a piece of plastic to shoot them through, then I went behind with pliers and bent the staples in place. Would definitely be quicker and easier if you can find a standard desk-type stapler to apply the heavy duty stainless staples. Here we are working in our work shop area (AKA, the Brackens parking spot).
After getting it all set, we put it on Holiday, and it came out nicely. We have screens for all the windows and hatches, but this will give us lots of extra living space that is mosquito free. We’ll store it in a bag down below and have it ready to deploy before dusk while at anchor in buggy areas.

Ashley Bracken
October 13, 2016 at 9:37 pmYay!!!! This is going to be great!
Rita Wiggins
October 13, 2016 at 9:39 pmLindy is getting pretty handy with those scissors. That is super that y’all found that and that the company was so helpful. Glad Lindy won’t be live bait for the mosquitos! Y’all sure have done a lot of research and work preparing for this and sounds like you have just about got all your ducks in a row.Love y’all. P.S. Lindy is awesome and you are to Zach!
Mary Wey Duncan
October 13, 2016 at 9:57 pmIf anything could ruin an evening or a good night of sleep, it is the buzzing of a hungry mosquito. I know from personal experience, standing next to Lindy or my friend Mona King, insures I will not get bitten by a mosquito because they will. The netting project is awesome and looks like it will work. I’m proud of your forethought and planning. Great job Zach and Lindy.
David Duncan
October 13, 2016 at 10:15 pmWow! Looks great! Sounds like a lot of work, but the end result is very nice and will be well worth the trouble.
Heather Thompson
October 15, 2016 at 8:27 pmGreat job y’all! Also you might want to purchase some skin so soft, you can get it on Amazon. Original scent. 40/60, SSS and rubbing alcohol makes for great big spray. I used it a lot in South Africa due to my allergies toward deet and most insect body sprays on the market.
Brad Hildreth
August 16, 2017 at 8:45 amGreat work!
August 16, 2017 at 9:32 amThanks!